Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Jarvis JargOnline 2002: Editorials

Principal's Corner
Mrs. P. Mackenzie

Student Perspectives
Molly Gardner & Nicole Smith

Student Council Message
James Kim

Principal's Corner
Mrs. P. Mackenzie

Congratulations to the Jargon staff on another hard-hitting edition. The articles are well-researched and very well-written.

Several articles have mentioned the locker painting that has taken place over the last two years. Since there is very little available from the school budget to pay for maintenance and improvement to the school, the staff have been seeking out other sources of funding. For the painting this past summer, a committee of staff, students and parents helped out with negotiations. Unfortunately, some students do not appreciate the fact that the lockers were painted for the first time ever, and will not likely be painted again while any of us are at Jarvis. Therefore I am appealing to students to help keep the lockers looking fresh as long as possible. A final note: the cost to paint one locker is $25.

Student Perspectives
Molly Gardner & Nicole Smith

This issue kicks off the 18th volume of the Jargon, which will hopefully reflect this interesting and unique year, with all the repercussions of the double cohort.

With the new evaluation policy, changes to the new curriculum, and so many of us facing university next year, we see a need more than ever to provide a medium for student expression.

This year, we hope to represent the students' voices within the school, and bring awareness of what's affecting and concerning Jarvis's students.

Everything within this issue has been selected specifically because we feel it rightly expresses student perspectives, even though some are controversial.

There was thorough discussion as to what was appropriate or important to publish in this issue. Ultimately, we came to the conclusion that if we wanted to provoke thought and discussion we needed to let every voice be heard.

We hope you take away from this paper your own interpretations, and keep in mind that each article represents one person's voice.

We're excited about this issue, and are really pleased with the final result. All of the articles submitted were impressive, and we hope this enthusiam for the Jargon continues.

So get involved, be heard, and write. People are listening.

Student Council Message
James Kim

Here's a brief synopsis of what we've been up to and what we have planned for the upcoming months.

First, clubs and various organizations have been established and are already well underway. The Student Council has already distributed a share of the earnings made from the sales of agendas and student activity cards. Students are strongly recommended to become active as club members for clubs that already exist or clubs that can be created (for further information, check a list of clubs posted outside the Student Council office).

The system of Class Representatives and the Senate has also been established. Meetings are held at least once a month and attendance and participation is extremely important as this is the best opportunity for students to voice their concerns and for the Student Council to send important information that may affect all students.

The Graduate's Committee has been formed to primarily focus on the needs of this year's graduating classes, including the issue of the January exams. Although no final decision has been reached as of yet, the administration and department heads of Jarvis will, very soon, have to decide on how many days are to be granted for all Grade 12 and OAC's to write the January exams. Early discussion has these students having to write their major exams on three consecutive days but this is subject to change. Instead of placing blame and pointing fingers, affected students should be putting emphasis on what can be done to clear up this murky situation. Bring it up in discussions with department heads, get updated from members of the Student Council or the Graduate's Committee, and most importantly, keep up with the school work.

On the 'to do' list:

The Student Council had planned for a semi-formal to be held with a certain school, but due to several concerns including the lack of interest that was shown for the November Jam, the semi-formal has been temporarily postponed. As a result, the Student Council will soon be distributing a survey to all homeforms that will give students an opportunity to voice their opinions regarding dances. The Student Council will hopefully be able to create a successful model that will reflect the general interests of the students at Jarvis.

In regards to the music being played every morning, there has been great 'interest' shown in the taste of music chosen by a few incognito members of the Student Council. To relate to all the students and teachers a little better, the Student Council has decided to have students and teachers choose their own appropriate music to be played during the mornings (see Student Council office for details).

On a last note, the Student Council would like to thank all students for having purchased and having patiently waited for the reorder of agendas and the SAC cards. SAC cards are still on sale in the Student Council office and an announcement will be made once the retake-SAC cards arrive.

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